“Many Realtors were laughing at me when I started taking short sale listings. But I became a Master Negotiator. So now I’m the one laughing…..all the way to the bank.”
“Master Negotiator and Seasoned Real Estate Broker ‘Opens Her Secret Negotiating Vault’ … Announces Amazing Easy Cookie Cutter Short Sales Negotiating System Designed Exclusively For Rookie and Seasoned Realtors, Investors and Negotiators!”
Finally! A Brilliant Short Sale Negotiating System that Caters to either the Inexperienced OR Seasoned Realtors, Investors and Negotiators (including Title Companies, Mortgage Brokers and Attorneys) who Want to Learn the Insider Secrets to a Lucrative Part-time or Full-time Career in Short Sales.
“The BEST Short Sale Negotiating System Anywhere!”
Here it is. The Negotiating System you‘ve been waiting for. These short cuts for short sales via my Master Negotiator techniques will give you the “edge” you’ve been searching for to excel your income in any market.
“Imagine Having A ‘Spy-Cam’ Inside A Hugely Successful Real Estate Broker’s Office, Eavesdropping On Her Negotiating Calls, Hearing Exactly What She Says to Negotiators, How She Works With Banks, Gets Liens/Judgments Released, Negotiates Short Sales, Gets Deficiencies Waived for Sellers And Closes Challenging Deals With Lightning Fast Results and Puts CA$H in her Sellers pockets.”
hort sales have dominated most real estate markets. If you are not working with short sales, you are losing commissions! However, it takes a lot more skill and knowledge to negotiate and sell a house than it used to. Specialized negotiation skills are a must! Short sales fail without powerful negotiating.
So, what now? You need to be educated on negotiating, it’s sounds scary but it isn’t. I do this every day and get deals closed, whereas most Realtors don’t know how to negotiate around the challenges and end up losing their commission when the deal falls apart. They normally just let the Bank win and walk away.
Stop the madness!
You have no more excuses because you have the Master Short Sale Negotiator helping you for FREE for 30 days!! Start using this proven system, close more deals and keep your commissions flowing!

Hi, my name is Kimberlee Frank and I have been in real estate full-time since 1998. I am going to teach you how to create a win-win-win for your Sellers, Buyers and YOU!
I am a Master Negotiator and Licensed Real Estate Broker with Sell Fast Realty.
For years, I have been teaching Realtors, Short Sale Negotiators, Title Companies and Investors how to effectively negotiate and close short sales.
I have negotiated over 500 real estate deals, saving Sellers & Buyers over $37,000,000 (yep, that’s 37 million dollars) and counting!
Is your short sale negotiator (you, your title company, etc) providing these results for you? Most likely not, but they will now!! You can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in commissions in this market just like I have! I am a firm believer that you can’t leave it up to someone else to make you money, you have to do it! If you don’t know what questions to ask, I am going to teach you. Not only will you learn the right questions, but the best ways to ask them. Whether you negotiate your own short sales or someone else does it for you, it is a team effort between the negotiator, Realtor, seller and buyer.
If the Bank won’t move on their value what do you do? How do you get them to sell the property at market value? What happens when the bank won’t pay for the outstanding balance due to the Homeowner Association? And what about the lien that pops up last minute and decreases the bank’s net even more?
Take my secrets, use them for your own deals and become the “HERO” to your Sellers and Buyers. Get serious and increase your income at least $5,000 every month in as little as 90 days!
And what if I told you that I would be your Mentor for FREE for the next 30 days for those individuals who take action today?? Shhhhhhh….I never offer that, so don’t tell a soul!
If you are frustrated with your short sales negotiator’s ability to get your deals to closing…I promise you won’t be frustrated anymore. No more waiting. No more problems. Just results. If you get stuck, call me and let me walk you through your deal! I am that confident that I have a solution for you on any deal! With my Short Sale Negotiating System you can immediately start feeling confident and earning ca$h! I spill my guts on all my Secrets of Success on my short sale deals.
I know, you thought I was your competition, right? WRONG! I have always operated under a team concept and as Realtors and Investors, we need to work together which is why I’m giving you all of my secrets! 99% of my listings are short sale listings and 80% of my buyers are ca$h buyers! Soooooo … What do you think I have been focused on? You CAN close successful short sales with the banks; they have even increased staff and refined their short sale processes. Due to all of the banks past mistakes on paperwork, they need the sellers to close on short sales, which then releases the bank’s liability for their mistakes. My system gives you the who, what, where, when, how and why!
With my “Short Sale Negotiating System,” I teach you how to profit from the wave of foreclosures hitting the market today…..you can profit in as little as 90 days! I share my shortcuts for short sales and even the bank’s secrets to short sales that you or your current negotiator don’t know. I walk you through a step-by-step Short Sale Negotiating System to successfully turn Your Trash Deals into Ca$h immediately!
It’s an awful gut feeling when you hang up the phone after a battle with the bank negotiator and you just know your deal is dead. What do you do then? I always tell the banks that they are driving me to smoke, drink and cuss….this breaks the ice of a heated conversation and they always start laughing! This system will show you how to revive any deal or overcome any objection or challenge you may face on short sales. Or call me to get your deal done!
I know, I know, you attended the National Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource Training (SFR) or the Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) Training and received your designations and became a Short Sale Expert…or did you? Did they teach you how to negotiate and save your deals or how to release judgments/liens or how to deal with angry and broke homeowner associations or get deficiencies waived? My office is located in Winter Springs, Florida and I have a team of negotiators that I mentor and supervise. I also personally negotiate many deals because I LOVE the thrill of seeing that short sale approval letter comes in on my fax machine. You can buy any type of real estate training on how to get short sales, find sellers and buyers, but what happens in the middle during negotiations? If you don’t succeed at negotiating, then you won’t get paid. You’ve got me, the Master Negotiator, walking through your deals with you for the next 30 days…..Let’s go!
Learn from One of America’s Premier Experts about Short Sale Negotiating!
Short Sale Negotiating System
with 9 CDs
Cookie Cutter approach to negotiating successful short sales from listing to closing and cashing checks. (Value of $797.00)

All live events have been postponed until 2021. But don’t let that stop you from acting now. I am offering online training and Personal Mentorship for 10 People who want to learn how to Buy or Sell houses with my proven system processing a short sale.
I hold your hand teaching you how to successfully negotiate with the Lenders, obtaining the real market value on a home and closing on hundreds of deals making you thousands of dollars. This is a great way to really learn from beginning to end how to be successful in real estate. Covid 19 has not stopped the savvy realtors or investors join me and ride the titlewave of foreclosures coming. Act now as Personal Mentorship is limited.
For those of you who want to take the elevator straight to the top without stopping on every single floor, you will want to be trained directly by a Master Negotiator. For a minimal investment, you receive the maximum benefits, learning in a hands-on environment on how to negotiate and how to get your short sales approved FAST! Join me live on August 21, 22, 2021 . Seating will be limited to 30 people due to the fact that I want to give you the highest quality training and education that you deserve! Act now before someone else takes your seat!
- Two Day Intensive In-house Live Training Event with Manual on August 21, 22 2021 , in Orlando, FL. You have 1 year to complete this Training, it does not have to be attended in tandem with the 3 Day Foreclosures Gone Wild Training(Value of $797.00)
- 30 days of FREE Unlimited Telephone Mentoring by Kimberlee Frank, Master Negotiator – (Value of $997.00)
- Unlimited 3-way calls directly with You, Kimberlee Frank (the Master Negotiator) and the Bank on any of one of your deals for 30 days. (Value ….. Pricele$$)